Nov 8, 2009

The Emerging Christian Left -- Strong Delusion About "Politics"

I recall very well the first time I saw the bumper sticker. It was in Santa Fe, New Mexico during the Presidential campaign of 2008, and I was literally stunned. I think my mouth was hanging open as I stood there in amazement. Finally, I pointed the sticker out to my wife who wondered why I had stopped walking and was staring so intently at the back of a car. The bumper sticker said simply,"Christians for Obama." God, help us. It might as well have said, "Jews for Hitler," because I couldn't believe it. Christians for Obama? Were they serious? The realization poured over me at that moment that, yes, they were serious. This bumper sticker, in fact, reflected the true political feelings of many who call themselves Christians, perhaps even those who consider themselves born-again, evangelical Christians. Never has an epiphany revealed so much concerning the terrible darkness flooding the modern Church. Freedom in Christ is one thing, but freedom to vote for a radical pro-abortion, pro-death ideologue?

What twisted thinking permitted a Christian, any Christian, to believe that they could render their vote for Barack Hussein Obama and that doing so was perfectly acceptable in the sight of God? What can this even be called? Depravity of the mind? Mental illness? Spiritual blindness? All of the above? Nevertheless, Christians in significant numbers went to the polls and cast their votes for a candidate who vowed to do all within his power as President to promote, defend, and encourage abortion on demand. This was a candidate who had gone so far as to argue that every abortion should be underwritten by a legal guarantee that the baby will be either dead on arrival, or will be denied any potentially life-saving care. The moral clarity of this issue should be utterly unmistakable to believers, but, incredibly, it is not. The moral character of a candidate taking such a position should be equally clear too, but, sadly, is not.

How does such perverse and depraved thinking happen? In order for Christians to reach such a stage of mental and spiritual darkness, one must first become confused about the very nature of abortion itself. One must relegate it to the stature of nothing more than simply another "political issue." Taxes, health care, social security, military spending, abortion, economic stimulus, etc. And, thus, abortion gets plugged in there among all the other important "issues" of the day. Far too many Christians fail to see and understand that abortion is not merely another political issue of the day, but is, and has been, the defining statement of what we as a nation have become. Far too many Christians fail to understand that killing millions upon millions of babies is not simply another social-political topic to be categorized or rated according to one's own personal issues list. Such thinking permits individuals to rank abortion right behind the economy, military spending, global warming, or whatever else happens to be on their list. Voting for a candidate sworn to the exaltation of murder-on-demand, one even advocating infanticide, is tantamount to having voted for Adolph Hitler in the Thirties because he promised to rebuild the German economy and to make Germany great again. The systematic murder of six million Jews as the eventual end-result was simply a peripheral political issue. As long as Hitler continued to win the war and while German paychecks blossomed, his "excesses" regarding Jews could be conveniently ignored. Similarly, too many American Christians have lost a Biblical perspective on the nature of politics, religion, and reality itself. They are suffering from a case of terminal ego centrism where dead babies are nothing more than personal and political choices.

Shall we cut to the chase? Anyone who genuinely believes them self to be a Christian, who considers abortion simply one of a myriad of political issues, is in great darkness, delusion, and danger. The darkness is spiritual. The delusion is, hopefully, merely of their own making at this point. And, the danger is because they have no perception of how far they have fallen from a Biblical (God's) perspective on the nature of reality. They have no perception of how inured they have become to government sanctioned killing as simply a part of the American way of life. It takes a moment of serious contemplation to really understand what we as a nation have done and how callous to it we have become to it. Think now, very hard, upon this fact. We have now murdered somewhere between forty to fifty MILLION of our children, at least as many lives as perished in all of World War II. A few in our society speak out, but for the most part these children have no defenders. They are unseen victims, with few exposed to their cries or bloody bodies, until dumped lifelessly into the trash or laid aside in the broom closet to die from neglect. They are babies, not fetuses, not non-viable tissue masses, not choices, but BABIES, little children waiting to be born and loved. Meanwhile, it's murder-for-hire behind closed doors and just another "issue" in modern America. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Check Sunday's newspaper for our reproductive health care coupon. Stay tuned for wholesale euthanasia of the elderly and infirm.

Too many Christians have chosen not to think about abortion and its effect and consequences upon this nation. The immediate effect is a complete hardening of the collective psyche into simply accepting human murder as a part of our culture and way of life. Disagreeable? Oh, to be sure, but since we're not going to get close enough to actually smell a bucket of dead babies, not a very personal one. Life must go on, right? Meanwhile, another three or four thousand babies died today. The unseen effect is that we are a nation under the judgement of our Creator. The troubles and problems confronting us continue to grow and multiply exponentially. Our politicians line their pockets and run for the lifeboats, while true solutions to our problems disappear like mirages on the horizon. Increasing hatred and strife pit neighbor against neighbor, race against race, party against party, and the Red Horseman will soon unleash a river of blood upon America -- one commensurate with the blood we have shed in our so-called "clinics." Constitutional liberties are being cashiered in the face of terrorism, and totalitarianism will arrive sometime in the middle of the night. Most think that these insurmountable messes are political, social, and financial in nature. Only a few understand that they are spiritual in origin and supernatural in their ultimate conclusion.

The Last Judgement is all about personal accountability. Christians who vote for radical anti-life candidates will be held accountable for both their pro-death policies, their culture-of-death agendas, and the abortions that result. "Oh, but he's so right about the economy, and he's one of us, he'll stop the war, and he makes wonderful speeches!" Hear me, killing babies is not a political issue. It is a moral catastrophe and an unmitigated evil for which we as individuals and as a nation will one day pay a very heavy price. God who made heaven and earth will not overlook the wanton annihilation of millions of his little children. His judgement is coming and is inevitable. While abortion-on-demand continues in this country, THERE ARE NO OTHER ISSUES. And YOU, when you voted for your personal finances or for your self-righteous, pathetic, egocentric, hypocritical save-the-whales, stop-the-war, plant-a-tree ideological drivel, or chose any other issue over the sanctity of human life, it was a complete affront to God. Now, in the sight of God those miserable dollars in your pocket are absolutely no different that those in the wallet of the abortionist himself. In voting as you did, you said "Yes, we can!" to abortion. The blood of innocent children is upon your hands.

Modern "Christians" can re-write the precepts of their faith. They can change and rearrange their theology. They can fashion a new god into their own image. They can become an emergent, hip, cool, new generation of believers not so narrowly focused on "single issues." They cannot, however, alter truth and reality, nor assuage the coming judgement of Almighty God upon this nation and its people. God gives us leaders in keeping with our hearts and our collective moral condition. Thus, it is God who has given us our current pro-death, it's-all-about-me President, both because we cried out for him and because we absolutely DESERVE him. The Church in America is FULL of believers walking in spiritual darkness. Jesus said, "If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!" May God penetrate that darkness by his Spirit, and may those who call themselves Christians repent of their evil, carnal, pro-death votes. The new Christian Left is nothing new, merely the same old deception that always creeps into the Church. Its current efforts to reshape biblical standards on sin into an acceptable contemporary morality impress none but those who want to be deceived.

[Lord Jesus, bestow your abundant love, mercy, and forgiveness upon every person who has truly repented of participating in an abortion, including those who have repented of ever voting for pro-death, "pro-choice" politicians. Come quickly, Lord, and avenge the blood of your murdered children. Amen.]